A pause, not an end
Ack. I can't believe it's been since July that I last posted. And a dramatic post at that. Friends, those two of you still reading this, I have to take - continue? - a hiatus to earn some of the greenback stuff. Pay the bills. Satisfy da man. I will continue this blog at a future date (as opposed to a past date).
I leave you with this: Mario and I continue to thrive as a couple although he tells me he goes numb in the ears when I talk about yoga or my cats. Yoga is my solace; he says, "Tried it, don't like it." As for my cats, I feed ferals one night a week at a local university, and on one of those nights had to rescue a kitten, who somehow has grown to six months old and wormed his way into my household. (He's soooo cute.) Mario, he wants to be catless for a while, although he's all too happy to sit with the grand-cat that is his son's. Actually, Mario loves cats. He just hates to admit it.
So I am officially going to sign off for a while. There is still much to tell, about Gregory's amazing hidden compartments, the little girl he loved and lost (which broke my heart all over again when I learned about it). But also of Gregory's redemption. He was a troubled, perhaps even tortured, soul. I like to think I helped him find his way, just as his love opened me. May he rest in a vigorous spirit world.
Love - being in love - is such an important, potent bond. I still struggle with whether it, whether we, transcend death. I honestly do not know. I do know that I still want to share this story. And that the story isn't finished.
Au revoir, mes amies.